Two Pedestrians Injured in Halifax Hit-and-Run

According to police, a white SUV caused a three-car crash that severely injured two pedestrians before leaving the accident scene. A Halifax Regional Police Constable said that the car accident took place about 2:15 p.m. at Agricola and North in north-end Halifax. Icy roads caused several accidents in HRM on Dec. 10 and 11. On Dec. 10, police responded to 58 accidents, and by 2 p.m. on Dec. 11, they had responded to 37.

Police believe that the white SUV had been headed north on Agricola when it collided with two other vehicles. One of the vehicles, a black sedan, was pushed up onto the sidewalk and struck two pedestrians. The two pedestrians suffered serious injuries and were transported to the hospital. The white SUV sustained significant damage to its front end. The SUV left the accident scene and investigators requested that the public to be on the lookout for it.

When someone suffers serious injuries in an accident, he or she may not be able to work for several weeks or months. The lost income may mean financial distress for the accident victim. If the accident was caused by another driver’s reckless actions, the victim may be entitled to compensatory damages to pay for lost wages and other accident-related costs.

In cases where the driver has behaved in an exceptionally negligent manner, the plaintiff may seek punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages. The act of fleeing the scene of an accident involving serious injuries may rise to the level of exceptional negligence. A Halifax personal injury lawyer may be able to review the case to determine whether punitive damages may be sought.

Source: Metro Halifax, « SUV flees scene after three-car crash in Halifax, two pedestrians seriously injured« , Ruth Davenport, December 11, 2013

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