Halifax Crane Collapse – Videos or Photos of Collapse Sought

On October 18, 2019, businesses and residents impacted by the collapse of a large crane during post-tropical storm Dorian on September 7, 2019, filed a proposed class action lawsuit. The crane was located on a residential condominium development under construction on Brenton Place near South Park Street and Spring Garden Road in Halifax. The remnants of the crane collapsed onto the Olympus, another residential condominium development under construction.

Shortly after the collapse of the crane on September 7, 2019, a single video was published on social media which captured the crane falling onto the Olympus.

Wagners, counsel for the proposed class, is seeking to obtain any videos or photos that may depict all or part of the actual collapse of the crane on September 7, 2019, or videos or photos of the crane during the storm, but prior to the collapse. If you have in your possession any videos or photos with this content, please contact Wagners at 902-425-7330 or 1-800-465-8794 or classaction@wagners.co.

All communications with Wagners will be kept confidential.

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