How Long do Long-Term Disability Benefits Last?
If you were diagnosed with a critical illness or had a life-changing incident tomorrow, would you and your loved ones be able to cope? Recovery from surgery, ongoing rehabilitation, or other forms of treatment limit a patient’s ability to earn a living. Medical expenses can accumulate quickly, and before you know it, you’re in a financial crisis.
Long-term disability insurance is your best protection against financial challenges that result from the loss of your ability to work. An experienced long-term disability lawyer can help you pursue an LTD claim successfully.
What happens if the LTD claim gets approved?
Once the insurance company approves your LTD claim, both you and your employer will be notified. This written notice will state the settlement amount and payment start date. In Nova Scotia, LTD benefits are often paid monthly.
When will you start getting benefits payments?
Your LDT benefits payments will start once the elimination period is completed. Waiting or elimination period refers to the period from the day you suffered a disability until you become entitled to start receiving benefits. This period is unique to every policy and ranges from 4 months to 52 weeks.
What are your roles while receiving LTD benefits?
Once your claim is approved, there are guidelines you must follow to continue receiving benefits. These include:
- Participating in the right rehabilitation program
- Following a reasonable treatment option
- Participating in a recommended return-to-work program
- Informing your insurer of any income you get
- Providing relevant information such as treatment updates from your healthcare provider
When do long-term disability benefits end?
Long-term disability benefits often end for different reasons. These include:
- Full recovery from injury or illness
- Retirement
- Failure to provide sufficient proof of ongoing disability
- Becoming 65 years old
- Being imprisoned and other similar situations
- Discontinuing expert-recommended treatment for your disability
- Failure to take the medical examination required by your insurer
- Ignoring an expert-recommended rehabilitation program
- Death
You are probably wondering whether you can appeal a decision if you are terminated or declined for LTD benefits. After the initial termination or denial, you can choose to participate in your claim review. During this period, you can submit additional medical details that were not included in your original application. The new information will be assessed, and a decision will be made to either approve or uphold the termination or denial of the claim.
Seek legal help
Filing for a long-term disability claim in Halifax is challenging, time-consuming, and confusing. Every insurance policy is unique, and there are many reasons a claim can be denied. A disability insurance lawyer or personal injury lawyer can help you understand the details of your policy, the time limits for filing a claim, and guide you through the entire claim process. Your lawyer will also review your documents to avoid mistakes that could lead to claim denial.
Even when you are sure that you have a valid claim, don’t ditch the services of a lawyer. Long-term and short-term disability insurance regulations are complicated. You need a professional who can help you pursue your claim successfully.
Contact Wagners at 902-425-7330 or 1-800-465-8794 or