PRESS RELEASE – Wagners Files New Lawsuit Against King’s for Dr. Hankey Abuse

PRESS RELEASE – May 1, 2023 – Wagners Files New Lawsuit Against King’s for Dr. Hankey Abuse

On March 15, 2023, the final report of Janice Rubin’s Independent review on accusations of sexual misconduct against Dr. Wayne Hankey and the culpability of the University of King’s College was released.

On March 15, 2023, the President of King’s unreservedly and unequivocally accepted the findings and recommendations of the Rubin Report. Including the finding that, King’s is culpable for the harms survivors incurred by Dr. Hankey exploitation of his position at King’s. Further the Rubin Report recommended compensation and out of court settlements to the survivors who were making legal claims or contemplating legal claims against King’s.

On April 26, 2023, Wagners filed a Notice of Action and Statement of Claim against King’s, Dalhousie University, The Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, and the Estate of Wayne Hankey


“We hope that King’s will fulfill their obligations as set out in the Rubin report and continue to take a survivor focused approach. Traditional litigation often re-victimizes survivors of sexual abuse, and it is not a step that we take lightly. However, our primary responsibility is to act in the best interests of our clients and right now that means commencing the court process to seek vindication for the survivors of Dr. Hankey’s abuse,” said Liam O’Reilly of Wagners Law Firm.

Wagners can be reached toll-free at 1-800-465-8794 or by email at



1869 Upper Water Street

Suite PH 301, Historic Properties

Halifax, NS   B3J 1S9

Telephone: 902-425-7330 or 1-800-465-8794

Facsimile: 902-422-1233



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