Yarmouth Teenagers Injured When Deck Collapses

The personal injury lawyers at Wagners are representing the victims of two of the major deck collapses in Nova Scotia over the past year. We know all too well the significant injuries which can result from, and the negligence that can lead to, such incidents. Fortunately home insurance typically responds to claims for injuries and all the negative consequences an injury can have on a person’s life.

In the Yarmouth deck collapse, the injured victims are young. They are teen members of the 2015 graduating class of Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School. They were celebrating the end of the semester.

What was supposed to be a day of celebration unfortunately turned tragic. Twelve people were taken to hospital with minor injuries Friday afternoon after a deck holding about 40 teenagers collapsed in Yarmouth County.

The students spent the day at a lake front residence, enjoying the sun and hanging out when they decided to take a class photo. They gathered on the deck to pose when the 12-year-old structure gave way.

The deck ran most of the length of the house, which is on a sloped property. The deck was on the first floor, but it was like a second because it extended over the slope.

Police and emergency services responded to the residence, about 25 kilometres from Yarmouth, just before 2:30 p.m.

Eight or nine ambulances took students to Yarmouth Regional Hospital and then Roseway Hospital in Shelburne and Digby General Hospital when Yarmouth became too full.

The event caused a code orange at the Yarmouth hospital, dragging out wait times.

The legal questions raised by this recent incident are similar to those raised in the injury claims advanced by the lawyers at Wagners on behalf of the deck collapse victims in the September 22, 2013 Dartmouth incident and the September 27, 2014 deck collapse in South End Halifax.

If you or a loved one have been injured in the Yarmouth deck collapse and you have questions about your legal rights, please call the experienced lawyers at Wagners toll-free at 1-800-465-8794 or by email to seriousinjury@wagners.co.

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