Reported Cases
Gay et al. v. Regional Health Authority 7 and Dr. Menon Settlement Approval Decision
Sweetland v. Glaxosmithkline Inc., 2019 NSSC 136
Chiasson v. Nalcor Energy, 2019 NLSC 133
MacNeil (Litigation guardian of) v. Kajetanowicz, 2019 NSCA 35
The Plaintiff in this case, represented by Wagners, suffered from congenital hypothyroidism – a severe deficiency of thyroid hormone...
Dewey v. Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, 2019 NLCA 14
Nova Scotia Court of Appeal Upholds Fatal Injuries Act Limitation Period
On April 2, 2019, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal released the decision of Bond v. Willson, 2019 NSCA 24, which...
Downton v. Organigram Holdings Inc., 2019 NSSC 4
Bond Estate v. Willson, 2018 NSSC 287
The Plaintiff in this case, represented by Mr. Wagner, represented the estate of his mother, who died when an...
Dewey v. Kruger Inc., 2017 NLTD(G) 203