The Globe and Mail has partnered with Statista to determine which law firms in Canada are held in the...
News & Insights
Winter Driving and Safety Tips
As winter conditions are just around the corner, Wagners would like to reminder drivers of a few safety tips...
New case from Ontario restates rules of pleading medical malpractice
In the recent decision of Kameteros v. Women’s College Hospital, 2021 ONSC 7326, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice...
New Appeal Court Judgment on Causation in Medical Malpractice
In the recently released decision in Rutherford v. Wiens, 2021 MBCA 84, the Manitoba Court of Appeal was faced...
Nelson (City) v Marchi: “Authors of their own misfortune” does not absolve liability
The recently released Supreme Court of Canada decision Nelson (City) v Marchi, 2021 SCC 41 provided much needed clarity...
Deterioration of NuVasive MAGEC System Used to Treat Scoliosis in Children
The MAGEC system by NuVasive is an adjustable magnetic rod-based spinal implant system used to treat Early Onset Scoliosis...
“It’s a Policy Because I say So” is No Longer a Valid Legal Defence
Policy decision immunity is a legal doctrine that has haunted injury victims for decades. Here at Wagners, our experienced...
Potential Litigation Over the Link Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease
Paraquat is a chemical herbicide sold in Canada to kill weeds in orchards and crops such as potatoes.[1] Syngenta...
Jaddus Joseph Poirier, Former Teacher and Coach Accused of Sexual Abuse
Update: Former Halifax teacher pleads not guilty to most recent molestation charges Former teacher and minor hockey coach in...
The Lasting Harms of the Halifax Protestant Orphan’s Home
Systemic Allegations of Abuse Against the Halifax Protestant Orphan’s Home (The Halifax Protestant Orphanage) Numerous former foster children have alleged...