Cooperators Life Insurance

Hanscomb et al v. The Co-Operators Life Insurance Company

New Brunswick Court File: SJ/C/348/2017

Please read the Notice of Discontinuance of the Co-Operators Life Insurance / Co-Op Atlantic Pension Reduction Class Action

Wagners and the law firm of Peters Rouse (Fredericton, New Brunswick) commenced a proposed class action on behalf of Co-Op Atlantic retirees on August 11, 2017 in the Court of Queenโ€™s Bench, Judicial District of Saint John, New Brunswick.

The proposed class action alleges that the defendant failed to honour the guaranteed annuity payments to the affected class of retirees, contrary to their obligation.

Updates & Latest Developments

On July 30, 2020, the New Brunswick Court of Queenโ€™s Bench issued an Order Approving Discontinuance of Proposed Class Proceeding and Notice concerning the Co-Operators Life Insurance / Co-Op Atlantic class action.

Please read the Notice of Discontinuance of the Co-Operators Life Insurance / Co-Op Atlantic Pension Reduction Class Action to understand your legal rights.

The action has not been certified yet. On April 14 to 16, 2020 the Plaintiffsโ€™ motion for certification will be heard in the Court of Queenโ€™s Bench in Saint John, New Brunswick.