Dell Data Theft
Purvis v. Dell Technologies Inc. et al.
Nova Scotia Supreme Court File: Hfx No. 500912
A proposed settlement has been reached in the Dell class action. The lawsuit, filed in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in 2020, sought compensation for data thefts by Dell’s former service provider that resulted in targeted tech support scam calls to Dell customers. The action alleged negligence, intrusion upon seclusion, and vicarious intrusion upon seclusion in relation to the data thefts. If approved, the Defendants will pay up to $2,100,000 CDN to compensate the 14,179 eligible Class Members who Dell notified about the data thefts on April 2, 2018 and January 25, 2019, as well as pay legal fees, disbursements and taxes.
A settlement approval hearing is scheduled for February 27, 2025, at 9:30 AM at The Halifax Law Courts, where the Court will consider whether the settlement is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of the Class. The Court will also decide whether to approve legal fees, taxes, reimbursements of expenses and an honorarium for the Representative Plaintiff.
The full details of the proposed settlement, including eligibility criteria, are available in the Settlement Agreement, available in the Documents section.
If the settlement is approved, Eligible Class Members will automatically receive notification from the Settlement Administrator, Verita Global (formerly RicePoint), along with a link to the Distribution Form that must be completed and returned by the applicable deadline in order to receive compensation.
Verita Global sent out Phase I Notice by email to those eligible on November 13, 2024 – we encourage you to check your email inbox (including your junk folder) to ensure you have received it.
In the meantime, Verita Global is asking all those who believe they are an eligible Class Member, to contact their office immediately to ensure they have an updated email address on file. At this time, they will verify if you are in fact a Class Member (and thus eligible to receive compensation) and will include your updated contact information in further notices. If you do not contact Verita Global with your updated email address, you will likely not receive any compensation.
Dell Settlement Administrator
c/o Verita Global
P.O. Box 3355
London, ON N6A 4K3
Phone: 1-833-419-4499
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us by phone or email at
Si vous avez des préoccupations ou des questions, veuillez nous contacter par téléphone ou par e-mail à
Updates & Latest Developments
Proposed Settlement Reached in the Dell Data Theft Class Action
A proposed settlement has been reached in the Dell class action. The lawsuit, filed in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in 2020, sought compensation for data thefts by Dell’s former service provider that resulted in targeted tech support scam calls to Dell customers. The action alleged negligence, intrusion upon seclusion, and vicarious intrusion upon seclusion in relation to the data thefts. If approved, the Defendants will pay up to $2,100,000 CDN to compensate the 14,179 eligible Class Members who Dell notified about the data thefts on April 2, 2018 and January 25, 2019, as well as pay legal fees, disbursements and taxes.
A settlement approval hearing is scheduled for February 27, 2025, at 9:30 AM at The Halifax Law Courts, where the Court will consider whether the settlement is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of the Class. The Court will also decide whether to approve legal fees, taxes, reimbursements of expenses and an honorarium for the Representative Plaintiff.
The compensation for Class Members includes Base Payments of $85 upon submission of a Distribution Form. Class Members who incurred fraudulent credit card or banking charges, or expenses related to computer or tech remediation, may claim up to $3,000 as an Economic Loss Claim Payment with proper documentation. Amounts for approved economic losses may be reduced based on the number of approved claims and other costs of administration.
The full details of the proposed settlement, including eligibility criteria, are available in the Settlement Agreement, available in the Documents section.
If the settlement is approved, Eligible Class Members will automatically receive notification from the Settlement Administrator, Verita Global (formerly RicePoint), along with a link to the Distribution Form that must be completed and returned by the applicable deadline in order to receive compensation.
Class Members wishing to object to the proposed settlement or Class Counsel’s legal fees may submit a written objection to Wagners by December 28, 2024. Objections will be presented to the Court for consideration.
Please see the Documents section to view a copy of the Settlement Agreement, or the Phase I Notice for further details regarding what to do if you wish to object to the proposed settlement or the payment of legal fees to class counsel.
The certification hearing was held from December 5-7, 2022, in Halifax before the Honourable Justice Keith. As the parties were unable to complete all oral submissions in the timeframe initially set for the hearing, the parties will be submitting further written arguments to Justice Keith in late December, and early January 2023. It is anticipated that Justice Keith will reserve his decision regarding certification.
We are moving forward with cross-examinations and preparing our legal briefs in advance of the certification hearing scheduled for December 5, 6, and 7, 2022.
If you are interested in participating in this class action and have not yet filled out an intake form, please fill out the Wagners intake form above (click on “Fill the Form Now”).
Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions by phoning us or emailing us at
A case management conference was held virtually before the Honourable Justice John Keith on today’s date.
The hearing of the motion to certify the proceeding as a class action will take place on December 5, 6 and 7, 2022.
Global News has published an article about our proposed class action filed in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia against Dell Technologies. The article may be viewed by selecting the link below:
A proposed class proceeding was filed on today’s date in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. A copy of the Statement of Claim may be viewed in the Documents section.